My Tips to a Fun Trip to Salvation Mountain + Slab City
“Love is Universal.”
With bright colors among a desert horizon, Salvation Mountain will inspire you to get wild with wanderlust.
Photo credit: Stephanie Disse of Moxie and Row ( .) Thanks for experiencing this city and colorful desert installation with me. It’s simply magical, and I look forward to more adventures in the future! :)
Rocking my “Fiercely Female” tee from Moxie and Row among the colorful landscape of Salvation Mountain
Enjoy the space, but please stay on the yellow brick road. (This is one of the few rules here at Salvation Mountain.)
With constant painting to upkeep this desert splendor, you can imagine why there are signs to stay on the yellow brick road. It’s hit with the desert dust and scorching hot sun, so for your safety and to preserve its brightness, stay on the path. Also when the path leads you up, up, and away through the winding landscape of color, you’ll want to stick to the path to avoid slick patches or falling off the edge. We didn’t get to go through all of it, since it had rain damage. Even so, it still brought a smile to our faces. Color therapy is very real, folks. Donations are welcome, although it’s a free space.
Daringly posing towards the top of the yellow brick road path. To be honest, it exhilarating to be part of the seemingly colorful mirage in the middle of the lawless land.
Tips to Enjoy your Trip to Slab City/Salvation Mountain
Ensure you have snacks, drinks, and sunscreen.
(It gets super hot out here. Dress and plan accordingly!!!)
Keep your phone charged, bring a charger, and let someone else know where you’re headed. (I recommend going with at least 1-2 other people. It’s worth the shared experience and for your own safety! You’ll be far from everything.)
Gas up your car beforehand! There aren’t many, if any, gas stations we saw along the way to and from. With that, bring everything you may possibly need.
Bring hand sanitizer. When climbing, or if you decide to crawl if heights freak you out, you’ll want to clean up afterwards.
Pack colorful outfits and a charged up camera! This is a great time for many photo opportunities. If you already took the time to drive there, you might as well snap colorful shots. What will you wear? Or will you go to simply soak in the experience?
(Want the shirt I’m rocking? Buy your own Fiercely Female tee at Moxie & Row:
You’re in a remote, lawless area. Overall, the people we encountered were super friendly. However, we did experience a truck that tried to block us in the road. Maybe this was a one-off situation, but it definitely shook us up. Advice? Always be aware of your surroundings and travel in a big group. Don’t stop for anyone, especially with the sun setting.
Have fun!
Fun Fact: To be considered a “Slabber” by the locals, you have to spend a whole summer in the hot heat in Slab City.
Could you endure the heat and live out there?
Share the view with people who uplift you. Stephanie captured me taking it all in here. See if you can spot the creator painting.