90's/00's Music Video Background Challenge
Copy + Paste Music Video Sets? We Remember.
After my friend Monica over at Jersey Girl Texan Heart and I reminisced about our emo days when we first met last fall, I knew we would be bonded for life. Yes, emo is forever. Not only did it bring us together as soul sisters, but we love joking around and fondly remembering even the most epic and cheesy music videos from the 90’s and 00’s. Enter the cheese grater conversation!
You Know the Meme…
Thanks Google for unearthing this gem. It’s true though…
Monica and I went back and forth sharing our favorite music video examples from TRL-days. We knew it was time to start bringing them back. We shot our own photos and then Monica remixed them into music video gems via Photoshop. Well, we did it with our own flavor, so get ready!!!
FIRST: Go Follow Me on Instagram: @GingerMeGlam. SECOND: Comment and Share Some Love on This Post:
Baby Spice and Sporty Spice! We couldn’t find the rest, but even I was having an identity crisis. Ginger and Sporty Spice merged into one soul here. :)
Britney Spears and Then Some? 90’s/00’s General Looks — We All Wore Something Like This
Jersey Girl Texan Heart and Ginger Me Glam go Britney Spears/Spice Girls/Disco/Badass? We need to find some Chupa pops with the celeb wrappers!!!!
“I’m Just A Girl…” and Courtney Love but Very Betsey
The background was SO “Who Do You Think You Are?” a la Spice Girls. But it also fit the 90’s/00’s grunge meets glam rock and pop. So many good things going on right here— ha! :)
If We’re Posting Britney, Then You Know We’re Posting N*SYNC!
I didn’t have a black trash bag and she did the fish eye lens…
Things happen…we all can’t be “Supa Dupa Fly”, but I thought this was hilarious and too good NOT to post.
What Challenge is Up Next? Oh, You Already Know: MUST BE EMO!
Stay tuned…